The Starties launches to celebrate startup excellence

Challenging the status quo of industry awards shows, The Starties puts entrepreneurship front-and-center at its inaugural show in NYC on March 12

In case you missed the official announcement last week, here’s the tldr:

Starting The Starties

Our friends at WagerWire are the true owners of The Starties’ origin story, which our good friend Travis Geiger captures nicely in this article.

We bumped into Travis and his WagerWire co-founders at SBC Summit in Lisbon last September, where they shared their wild idea for an awards show for startups.

Being that we have startups within our name, and being that we know so many industry founders through our work, we immediately knew we needed to be involved.

Over the last couple months, the WagerWire and BettingStartups teams have been working very closely to crystalize the vision, develop the concept, and pitch the crazy idea to key supporters and partners.

This effort culminated in last week’s public announcement of The Starties. The buzz and excitement since the announcement has been palpable - the community is rallying around The Starties!

Building in Public

In a meta way, The Starties, an event celebrating startups, is a startup itself 🤯 

We don’t pretend that we’ll get everything right with the inaugural event, but we’re committed to it being successful